Blender 2.49 Shortcut
F1 = Open File
F2 or Ctrl+W = Save File
F3 = Save rendered Image
Ctrl+O = Recent Files
3D Viewport
Zoom = mouse wheel or num pad + – keys
Rotate = middle mouse button
Pan = shift + middle mouse button
Different view ( Front , right , top ) shortcuts = numpad 1,3,7. (Opposite view with Ctrl key)
Perspective mode on/off = Numpad 5
Local View = Numpad /
Center Object = Numpad . (del)
Toolbar = Space key
To select = Right click
Multiple select = hold shift button while right click
To select all = A
To deselect all = A
To drag select – B
Basic Transformations:
R = Rotate
S = scale
G = grab and move
Shift D = duplicate
Z key = view mode
Del key to delete any thing.
Edit Mode
Tab = switches between edit and object mode
To select = Right click
Multiple select = hold shift button while right click
To select all = A
To deselect all = A
To drag select – B
Transform –
R = Rotate
S = scale
G = grab and move
Shift D = duplicate
Z key = view mode
Del key to delete any thing.
O = Proportional Editing / Soft Selection
E = Extrude
K = Knife Tool
Ctrl+R = LoopCup
Alt+M = Merge Vertices
F = Make edge / Face
Shift F = Fill / Make Face
Ctrl+T = Triangulate the Mesh
Alt+J = make quads
W = Edit Special Menu
H = Hide
Alt+H = Reveal
Buttons Window
F4 = Game Logic
F5 = Shaders
F6 = Texture
F7 = Object
F8 = World Settings
F9 = Editing
F10 = Render Settings
F11 = Previous Rendered image
F12 = Render current frame
+ = Zoom in
– = Zoom out
User Preference
Drag Down the File Menu Bar = User Prefernce Options
Ctrl+u = Saving User options as Defaults.
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